Products & Services

Crop Insurance is a federally subsidized multi-peril insurance program. Which means, the cost of the insurance is the same....the BIGGEST difference is the SERVICE provided by your agent.

We take pride in our service! We work with you to ensure that you have the right policy, the right coverage levels, and that you understand your policy and how it works for you so you can get paid during a loss. We meet with you twice a year; once in the spring so you can report your acres and then again in the fall so you can report your production.

Why do we meet with you?

To ensure that your acreage reporting and production reporting are completed correctly and timely. The best way to make sure it's correct is by working together!

Multi-Peril Policy Plans:

*Revenue Protection (RP, RPHPE) Guards against a loss in revenue caused by changes in price based off the Chicago Board of Trade, and low yields due to natural causes.

*Yield Protection (YP) Insures against yield losses due to natural causes. 

*Area Risk Protection (ARPI) Insurance based on the county yields and the projected price from the Chicago Board of Trade. There are three types of coverage's to choose from.   

***Multi-Peril Coverage's range from 50% - 85%***

Additional Endorsement Coverage's Available:

*Hail Coverage - An endorsement policy that pays in the event of hail, fire and wind with hail damage to your crop.


Shelby Crop Insurance